Search results for: sleep

Sleep Q&A

Back to all Q&A recordings Q&A: Sleep With guest speakers: Sally Cat, PDA adult, author, artist and animator, as well as the mum of a 10-year-old PDAer. Sally Cat also has delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). Her book, Sleep Misfits, is about circadian sleep disorders, with the focus being [...]


PDA & Sleep

The PDA Society and The Sleep Charity have worked together to develop this resource about PDA & Sleep which is based on our sleep survey results and the lived experience of PDA people and sleep practitioners. This 4 page resource covers the key difficulties people told us they experience around [...]


Sleep Misfits: The reality of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome & Non-24

Sleep Misfits is the first book to extensively explore delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) and non-24-hour-sleep-wake disorder (Non-24) through the words of actual experients. Although circadian sleep disorders have seen an increase in published research and media coverage, they are still little-known and little-understood. There remains massive prejudice and discrimination [...]


PDA & Sleep – Survey Results

Many thanks to everyone who answered our sleep survey a couple of months ago, we had an amazing response rate with 569 completed questionnaires in just 12 days. Please note that this is a summary of the findings (we’ll be working on a new resource on Sleep and PDA) [...]

2022-02-09T09:09:49+00:00All News, Research|

Sleep and PDA survey

The PDA Society is planning two webinars with the Sleep Charity next year, one as part of their professional development for practitioners and one that’s open to all. We’d like to gather some information around people's experience of sleep and PDA to help us prepare for these webinars and produce [...]

2021-11-19T11:20:48+00:00All News|

PDA Society Research

PDA Society Research The PDA society have conducted a number of surveys which have helped us to understand the challenges facing people with PDA. Our reports and analysis on the findings are listed below. 2024 – PDA in Our Words This report was written in partnerships with four [...]


What is demand avoidance?

What is demand avoidance? ‘Demand avoidance’ involves not being able to do certain things at certain times, either for yourself or others, and also refers to the things we do in order to avoid demands. It’s a natural human trait – avoiding demands is something we all do [...]


All Q&A Recordings

Back to training home All Q&A Recordings You can now access recordings of our recent Q&A Lives. Registering gives you access to the recording for 30 days. In addition, we also have replays of our past Q&A sessions, where guest speakers answer questions about PDA and specific topics, available [...]


Keira’s story

Keira is 17 and currently doing very well after a 10 year struggle with an eating disorder and difficulties related to her PDA profile not being understood or supported by health and social care. Her story illustrates the life-changing impact when professionals adapt their practice to be person-centred and PDA-friendly. [...]


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