Support for PDA adults
Feel Stuck? We’re here for you.
Our support service is here when you feel ‘stuck’ and need personalised information, signposting and support to make decisions about what to do to get unstuck. We can help you find information about PDA, about rights, services and approaches that help. Where we don’t have expertise to support you, we’ll do our best to tell you about a service that can.
Our trained support team all have lived experience of PDA and aim to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days. As a UK-based charity, our team’s training focuses on UK systems and support.
If you are seeking information straight away there are lots of resources here.
If you are looking for signposting, please use our ‘organisation directory’ here.
When we get your enquiry, we will respond with either an email, or if you request, a phone call followed with the details of the discussion by email. We try to provide comprehensive information unless you tell us you need information in smaller chunks, in which case we’ll provide information on whatever area you’ve told us is most urgent.
If you enquire more than once you can expect different people to respond to your requests. We keep your information confidential within our small team, and all team members will be able to access previous enquiries – so we hope you won’t need to repeat yourself.
Please take the time to read the information on this page first so you know how we can help.