Raw Learning Community
- Education (including Alternative Provision)
- Other
We offer an alternative provision set in a forest for neurodivergent children , suspected or diagnosed, for 49% of their education. We also offer a screening service for all neurodivergence differences.
- England - London
- England - South East
Dfe registered Teachers, Forest school lead, QB check qualified professionals to screen for ADHD and Dyslexia
I am neurodivergent director with 26 years in education, trying to make the right environment for ND kids age 5-16
All my staff are ND or have diagnosed ND kids and family members.
We demonstrate a low demand, low arousal approach using Studio 3's approach to behaviour for autistic children.
CPD - Currently with Safeguarding, ADHD foundation, Day to day on the ground with the children and their families and personel meetings to discuss new cases.