PDA Society Forum – Closed Group Application
As a new member to the forums, there are two open areas that you can participate in:
- Public Forums where anyone on the internet can search and view comments made but not post, therefore please be mindful of the information that you share in order to protect your privacy, and
- Main Member Forums where only those registered with the PDA Society Discussion Forum can see what has been written and reply.
There are also three additional sections on the forum for registered users and are not public forums (closed groups).
- Parent/Carers
- Adult PDAers
- Professionals.
If you would like to access to these private forum areas please use the form below to make an application.
A Forum Administrator will then reply to you within one week. Please note that as these are closed groups and not open to everyone the Administrator may need to ask additional questions to ensure suitability for the group requested, prior to making a decision on any request.
The Forum also operates a Private Message system via Inbox which enables you to contact individual members and have a closed conversation away from the main discussion threads.
We hope the operating features of the Forum are self-explanatory however if you would like any further assistance please do e-mail: forum@pdasociety.org.uk.