All Q&A Recordings

You can now access recordings of our recent Q&A Lives. Registering gives you access to the recording for 30 days.

In addition, we also have replays of our past Q&A sessions, where guest speakers answer questions about PDA and specific topics, available to purchase for 30 days by clicking or tapping on the images below.

Already purchased a Q&A recording? Please sign in to the PDA Society training hub (using the same login method used to make the purchase) to access the recording via your dashboard. For further information about using the PDA Society training hub, please refer to our user guide.

Holidays and Special Occasions

Q&A Recording: Holidays and Special Occasions


Q&A Recording: Burnout

Post Identification Support

Q&A recording: Post identification support

The importance of diagnosis

Q&A recording. `Importance of Diagnosis

Supporting male parents and carers

Q&A recording. Supporting male parents and carers

Selective mutism

Q&A recording. Selective Mutism

Navigating distressed behaviours Pt. 2

Q&A recording. Navigating Distressed Behaviours Part 2

Speech and language therapy

Q&A recording. Speech and Language Therapy

Emotionally based school avoidance

Q&A recording. Emotionally Based School Avoidance

Safe PDA panel guidance

Q&A recording. Safe PDA Panel Guidance

Education other than at school

Q&A recording. Education Other Than At School

Effective provision for PDA learners

Q&A recording. Effective Provision for PDA Leaners

Navigating distressed behaviours

Q&A recording. Navigating distressed behaviours

Transitions into college and work

Q&A recording. Transitions into college and work

Eating disorders (Lived Experience)

Q&A recording. Eating Disorders with a PDA young adult


Q&A recording. PDA and LGBTQIAP+

Sensory processing

Q&A recording. Sensory Processing

Eating Disorders (Ellern Mede Group)

Q&A recording. Eating Disorders with Ellern Mede Group


Q&A recording. Gaming and the benefits


Q&A recording. Sleep

Balancing needs within the family

Q&A recording. Balancing needs within the family

Looking after ourselves as caregivers

Q&A recording. Looking after ourselves as caregivers

Neurodivergent parenting

Q&A recording. Neurodivergent parenting

Coping strategies for PDA adults

Q&A recording. Coping strategies for PDA adults

Teenage years

Q&A recording. Teenage years including puberty and personal hygiene

Education in conversation with Jilly, Libby & Kym

Q&A recording. Education in conversation with Jilly, Libby & Kym

Working with PDA young people or adults in education

Q&A recording. Working with PDA young people or adults in education

Holidays and special occasions

Q&A recording. Holidays and special occasions

Contact the training team

To enquire about training for your organisation, please complete our group training enquiry form.

To discuss options for individual training on our public courses or if you would like assistance completing this form please email

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