Words of encouragement
The PDA Society’s conference in 2018 was themed ‘Our PDA Journey’. Delegates included parents, PDAers and professionals from different fields. We asked the attendees:
“What one piece of advice would you give yourself at the start of your PDA journey?”
This advice was written on luggage labels and tied to trees around the conference room. There were some strong recurrent themes in the advice our delegates would have given to themselves:
“Trust your instincts”
“Stop worrying”
“It’s not your fault”
“Read and learn”
“Don’t ever give up”
“You are good enough”
“You aren’t alone”
Some were humorous – “Get all the face cream and wine offers going!” – and some were very moving – “I am not broken” – but all resonated strongly.
Thank you to everyone who shared their advice and words of encouragement, compiled in this video compilation: