Thomas’ Story – A mainstream school experience

Finding a school which works – Thomas’ Story As identified in our Being Misunderstood report 70% of children with a PDA profile of autism are not in school or regularly struggle to attend. This figure is much higher than for the autistic population as a whole and shows how challenging [...]


Understanding Emotionally Based School Avoidance Q&A

Back to all Q&A recordings Q&A Recording: Understanding Emotionally Based School Avoidance With guest speakers: Andy Smith, the founder and Creative Director of Spectrum Gaming Kirsteen Wilshere, an independent Social worker In this Q&A our guest speakers discuss understanding Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), looking at the barriers to education [...]


Education Other Than At School Q&A

Back to all Q&A recordings Q&A Recording: Education Other Than At School With guest speakers: Heidi Mavir, founder of EOTAS Matters and her teenage son Theo Waddington who will discuss his own EOTAS journey. In this Q&A our guest speakers discuss education other than at school (EOTAS), looking at what [...]


In Mainstream School – Rob’s Story

Adopting a PDA-friendly and holistic approach to education together with a totally individualised curriculum and a reduced timetable has been ‘transformational’ according to Rob’s head teacher. His one-to-one teacher shares his journey and some top tips for others. PDA diagnosis & inclusive approach enable Rob to thrive in mainstream school [...]


Southgate Community Special School and Finley

As a class team we are constantly striving to improve our own practice and think of exciting and tempting ideas to engage Finley in learning activities. We have learnt so much from this journey but know we have so much more to learn too, most importantly though we have had [...]


Jupiter Free School and Arijana

Arijana’s classmates have adapted with ease and were very accepting that Arijana was ‘learning how to be in school’. This is in no small part down to the strong values and culture that permeates the whole school and the recognition that good practice in SEN education is good practice for [...]


Excluded from school: Autistic students’ experiences

Excluded from school: Autistic students’ experiences of school exclusion and subsequent re-integration into school Abstract All children have the right to receive an education and to be included in school. Yet young people on the autism spectrum, who are already vulnerable to poor health and social outcomes, are at increased [...]


Preventing School Exclusion

Preventing school exclusion: a case study of a primary aged autistic child with ADHD and a PDA profile This case study describes the initiatives that were adopted to help ‘Jack’, a 7 year old boy, avoid a third exclusion from school. Jack was diagnosed with autism and ADHD but he [...]


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