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What is PDA?

PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) is widely understood to be a profile on the autism spectrum. PDA individuals share characteristics with others on the spectrum and also have a distinct cluster of additional traits.

The PDA Society

The organisation was first established in 1997 by parents of children with a PDA profile of autism. The PDA Society became a registered charity in January 2016. We provide information, support and training for those living and working with PDA and work to raise awareness, increase acceptance and empower people to take action in relation to PDA.

PDA Logo
PDA Society Image of a Library


For individuals, parents & professionals

The PDA Society has a wealth of useful resources for individuals, parents & professionals alike. This includes literature, videos, leaflets and case studies. Many of these resources are available for download.

Latest news

PDA lives worth living

PDA Society June 2023 newsletter

The queerity of PDA

PDA Society Discussion Forum

Peer to peer support

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