Over the coming weeks we’ll be answering the PDA community’s FAQs relating to PDA during the coronavirus pandemic, in a series of video and written Q&As with our advisors.
We’ll add new Q&As to this page as they are ready – and please do let us know if you have any questions you’d like us to answer. Please note we’ll only be able to offer general tips and suggestions so if you have a specific situation or query you need support with, please get in touch with our enquiry line.
Further links and tips for the PDA community during the coronavirus pandemic are available here.
Coronavirus Q&A: Education with Jilly Davis
Our education advisor Jilly Davis answers the following questions from the PDA community:
~ How can families manage their child’s refusal around school work at home?
~ How to manage build-up of work?
~ How can families juggle the differing needs of multiple children, differing ages and differing needs and between PDA and their siblings?
Watch this Q&A video on YouTube.
A written summary is also available.
Coronavirus Q&A: Siblings with Dr Judy Eaton & Paula Webb
Our clinical advisor Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Judy Eaton and PDA Society enquiry line lead and trustee Paula Webb answer a question from a parent about how to help siblings work together instead of at odds during the coronavirus outbreak.
Watch this Q&A video on YouTube (apologies for the audio interference).
A written summary is also available.
Further information and tips can be found on our Siblings page.
Coronavirus Q&A: Preparing children for life after the coronavirus outbreak
Our clinical advisor Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Judy Eaton and PDA Society enquiry line lead and trustee Paula Webb answer a question from a parent about preparing for life after the coronavirus outbreak.
Watch this Q&A video on YouTube (apologies for the audio interference).
A written summary is also available.
Coronavirus Q&A: Managing video calls and transition tips
We answer a question from a parent about helping children to manage video calls with friends during the coronavirus outbreak. The resource, which includes tips around transitions, may be helpful for children and adults alike.
Links to free online activities available whilst we’re all at home.
Coronavirus Q&A: Helping PDA teens & young adults understand lockdown rules
This resource focuses on how to help teenage and young adult PDAers understand and abide by lockdown rules.
The National Police Autism Association (NPAA) have compiled a list of local autism alert card schemes around the UK here.
Coronavirus Q&A: Hand washing and hygiene tips for PDA adults
PDA Society PDA adult advisory panel (Sally Cat, Julia Daunt and Riko Ryuki) answer the following question asked by a member of the PDA community:
~ Could you share any suggestions for hand washing and hygiene, particularly in regard to adult PDA during current circumstances please?
Further tips from PDA adults about coping with the Coronavirus pandemic are available here.