Liz O’Nions (who developed the EDA-Q – Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire) is undertaking some new research. PDA isn’t mentioned explicitly in the study materials, partly because they’re hoping to recruit a broader sample who score across a range of related traits. Please see summary below and follow the link for more information and to sign up if you would like to participate.
We are looking for parents/carers of children aged 6 – 16 who live in the UK/Europe to take part in research looking at social aptitudes and child behaviour problems.
Taking part would involve you completing some questionnaires about your perspectives on your child’s behaviour, and the strategies and approaches that you use to manage it.
The questionnaires measure things like your child’s social skills, anxiety, difficulties with peers, and non-compliant or demand avoidant behaviour. We have also included questionnaires looking at what strategies you use to manage behaviour and how you interact with your child, as well as your feelings about how you handle difficult behaviour.