PDA Action Day is on 15th May
Our theme this year is “Positive PDA”
We’ll be focusing on success stories, recognising all those who are making great contributions to the PDA world, highlighting some of the positives of living with PDA and showcasing the accomplishments of adult PDAers.
We’d like to encourage everyone to mark this day with us!
Maybe you could
- plan a fundraising event – anything from a jumble sale to running a marathon (dressed as a panda perhaps?!). Pls see our Donate page for details of how to link to the PDA Society via MyDonate. One of the PDA Society’s trustees is planning something dramatic on or near the day, watch this space!
- host a coffee morning or afternoon tea to help raise awareness and increase acceptance of PDA – we can send you leaflets to hand out or you can download. We’re also launching a small range of merchandise at our conference on 18th April (it will also be available online) which you could use at your event.
- take the opportunity to take action about PDA … whether that’s sharing info with family, friends, teachers, social care professionals, clinicians … or setting up a local support group … or contacting your local MP/Autism Lead or local press (we’ll be creating an action pack to help with this).
- The team behind the petition are organising a peaceful protest in London to mark PDA Action Day which you may wish to join. More info on their Facebook page
On the day we’ll also be
- publishing the results of our survey to which we had an amazing 1400 responses
- sharing Positive PDA resources
- making an ‘action pack’ available with details about what you can do as an individual or as a local campaign with resources to help you to write to your MP, Clinical Commissioning Group and whoever heads up Autism in your area (with links as to where to find this information), local media and regional autism charities.
- sending out our annual uPDAte newsletter with all the latest PDA news and development
Do share your PDA Action Day activities with us too please via email or using #PDAday on social media.