Thank you to everyone who joined us in marking PDA Day this year and supporting the PDA and wider community. It was an amazing day with people all over the world coming together online to help raise further awareness and increase acceptance of PDA.
Here’s a quick round-up of activities …
Sally Cat created and shared a graphic and animated GIF of PDA pride posts contributed by members of Free PDA.
Sally Cat also released a new PDA picture e-book – Pathological Demand Avoidance Explained with 75 PDA memes. It’s available to purchase and download via Amazon and all royalties are generously being donated to the PDA Society.
Chloe me just me shared a new video – How I cope during lockdown with PDA (calming activities for a PDA teen) and shared further insight about PDA on her Facebook page.
Jo Richardson Au at Different Not Deficient shared a new blog post – Raising a PDA child when you are a PDA adult.
Holly Clarke (age 13) shared a presentation she recorded about her perspective of returning to school after lockdown – From Freedom to Lockdown.
PDA Rebellion shared PDA post-it notes on Twitter and a blog post – Did you know May 15 is PDA Day?
Jessica Matthews at Changing The Narrative About Autism and PDA, wrote an article called PDA and Support.
Steph’s Two Girls re-shared Ten things you need to know about PDA and What is PDA? blog posts, and PDA: Characteristics and Strategies video. Steph is also fundraising for the PDA Society by offering Zoom calls (until the end of May) to parents and carers who have questions about PDA.
Missing the Mark drew and shared these panda illustrations to highlight some of the many strengths of a PDA person.
Notes on PDA re-shared PDA True Colors video, My PDA Life series of notes by 8-year-old Miss M and A-Z of PDA Support Strategies blog post.
No Magic Wand UK shared their own personal top ten ‘PDA Parent Coping Strategies’ on Facebook.
PDA Action shared their campaign material on their Facebook page.
Anna Kennedy re-shared her speech given in Parliament Square on PDA Day 2 years ago.
There were lots of Live Facebook videos about PDA including:
- PDA Day Q&A with 8-year-old J from Another Spectrum Day
- Our PDA Story by Positively PDA
- PDA 3 key tips by Autism & ADHD
Many people tweeted information and personal experiences of PDA – here’s a collection of #PDAday 2020 tweets. Others shared posts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok – Jacob and his 4 sisters; Michelle Anne Aa; Emily Rojewska; Helen Catherine Morse; theavoidanceexperience; coatendsend; chloemejustme; Jacob_4sisterpda; lindseyvigurs; shye_boy; kimbeale84; lucie_live.
Nicola Reekie from Positive PDA announced a free online PDA Summit coming in June.
nasen connect and Child & Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) published PDA-related articles this month, ahead of PDA Day:
- Providing PDA support by Aileen Hosty (nasen connect)
- Demand avoidance — pathological, extreme or oppositional? – Ann Ozsivadjian (ACMH Editorial)
Finally, a reminder of the resources the PDA Society created and shared this year are available here – they include a website scavenger hunt leading to different sources of support, PDA Panda activities to use at home, quick links to our most popular resources and the results of our quick survey about PDA life under lockdown.