Bill Nason’s PDA insights
Bill Nason is a mental health professional with a masters degree in clinical psychology and more than 30 years of experience in treating individuals with developmental disabilities.
He regularly shares helpful posts relating to PDA on his autism discussion page on Facebook:
- Anxiety, Opposition and Demand Avoidance
- The Anxiety of Uncertainty; How do they Cope?
- Pathological Demand Avoidance, the Confusing Condition
- PDA, The Fear of Uncertainty
- It is all about control!
- Working Through Resistance
- This is so scary!
- Imperative versus Declarative Language
- Anxiety and Weak Sense of Self
- When You Cannot Trust Yourself, Anxiety is Constant
- Negative Side Effects of Positive Reinforcement
- From Trust to Collaboration
- Negotiate and Collaborate
- What if my child refuses to collaborate?
- Are you directing?
- Distorting reality to protect self-esteem
- Become a working partner