
Academic papers from research institutions developing the evidence base

Found 48 listings

Alternative perspectives on PDA

Alternative perspectives on PDA The PDA Society’s current position, based on research, clinical evidence and lived experience, is that PDA is best understood as a profile on the autism spectrum. However it’s important to acknowledge the alternative perspectives on PDA that are currently evident. These relate to the usefulness of the construct, [...]

An exploration of the PDA profile in children

An exploration of the Pathological (or Extreme) Demand Avoidant profile in children referred for an autism diagnostic assessment using data from ADOS-2 assessments and their developmental histories This paper represents the first step in analysing and reporting on data gathered between 2015 and 2017 on 351 children referred to Dr [...]

Extreme/‘pathological’ demand avoidance: an overview

Extreme/‘pathological’ demand avoidance: an overview In this article, Elizabeth O'Nions and Judy Eaton provide an overview of PDA, discuss the clinical presentation of individuals with a PDA profile, and differences compared to children with documented attachment difficulties. They then discuss empirical work describing how anxiety-driven avoidance of routine demands can [...]

Parenting strategies in ASD

Parenting Strategies Used by Parents of Children with ASD: Differential Links with Child Problem Behaviour In this paper, Liz O'Nions explores a new scale which is designed to measure strategies for problem behaviour in ASD. The results are especially interesting as more than half of those involved in the study [...]

CAMH Journal discussions

In 2019, a paper from Lisa Stuart, Victoria Grahame and others at Newcastle University described how intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety may have a role in the demand avoidant behaviour of those identified as having a PDA profile. The May 2020 edition of the journal Child and Adolescent Mental Health [...]

Autism, PDA presentations and Theory of Mind

The Relationship between Theory of Mind and Traits Associated with Autism Spectrum Condition and Pathological Demand Avoidance Presentations UCL Doctorate Thesis in Clinical Psychology by Ellie Bishop Extracts from the Impact Statement: The overall aim of this thesis was to contribute to an understanding of the relationship between theory of mind [...]

Emotion Regulation and Executive Function

Emotion Regulation and Executive Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pathological Demand Avoidance Traits UCL Doctorate Thesis in Clinical Psychology by Anna Goodson Extracts from impact Statement The overarching aim of this research was to contribute to current understanding of cognitive processes and behaviours relevant to young people [...]

Summary of Understanding of E/PDA

Extreme /’Pathological’ Demand Avoidance This article addresses the topics of debate and controversy that exist surrounding the classification of extreme/’pathological’ demand avoidance as a profile of the autism spectrum. A comprehensive overview of the existing and ongoing areas of research is given. There is discussion of the behavioural traits displayed by [...]

Summary of research developments

This summary was prepared by Dr. Liz O’Nions, Post-doctoral Fellow at the Parenting and Special Education Research Unit, KU Leuven, Belgium. It relates to the work done up until April 2016. Early research on PDA was carried out by Elizabeth Newson and colleagues and published through conference proceedings and informal [...]

An assessment pathway for children

Developing a multi-agency assessment pathway for children and young people thought to have a Pathological Demand Avoidance profile Editorial comment: "Lisa Summerhill is the Lead Clinical Psychologist working in a specialist autism assessment service provided by the NHS. Kate Collett is the coordinator of the specialist post diagnostic autism team [...]

Pathological Demand Avoidance: symptoms but not a syndrome

Pathological Demand Avoidance: symptoms but not a syndrome Summary Pathological (or extreme) demand avoidance is a term sometimes applied to complex behaviours in children within—or beyond—autism spectrum disorder. The use of pathological demand avoidance as a diagnosis has, at times, led to altered referral practice and misunderstandings between professionals and the [...]

Correspondence: Demand avoidance is not necessarily defiance

Correspondence: Demand avoidance is not necessarily defiance Jonathan Green and colleagues have usefully outlined possible mechanisms that might represent vulnerability factors promoting habitual avoidance of routine demands in autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. However, we are concerned that conceptualising pathological (or extreme) demand avoidance as a set of [...]

Identifying features of ‘PDA’ using the Diagnostic Interview (DISCO)

Identifying features of ‘pathological demand avoidance’ using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO) This paper discusses the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO) and existing items within the model which are more specific to PDA when compared to the rest of the autism spectrum. It [...]

PDA Behavioural Features: poster presentation

Extreme/ ‘Pathological’ Demand Avoidance: An Examination of the Behavioural Features Using a Semi-Structured Interview This poster summarises a paper which examines the behavioural features associated with extreme/’pathological’ demand avoidance. Parents of children with an ASD diagnosis who displayed features of extreme /’pathological’ demand avoidance, were questioned using a semi-structured interview model. [...]

PDA behavioural profile

Pathological demand avoidance: Exploring the behavioural profile The aim of this paper was to report the profiles of children diagnosed with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) compared to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Conduct Problems (CPs) and Callous Un-emotional Traits (CUs).  The study addressed some of the controversy surrounding the [...]

Reflections on 2014 paper by O’Nions et al

Commentary: PDA – public display of affection or pathological demand avoidance? – reflections on O'Nions et al. (2014) This commentary piece contains a succinct summary of the history of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). It is an interesting read for professionals and parents as it raises points for discussion regarding the incidence, [...]

Dimensions of difficulty

Dimensions of difficulty in children reported to have an autism spectrum diagnosis and features of extreme pathological demand avoidance Background A subset of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) resemble descriptions of extreme/‘pathological’ demand avoidance, displaying obsessive avoidance of everyday demands and requests, strategic or ‘socially manipulative’ behaviour and sudden changes [...]