Identifying features of ‘PDA’ using the Diagnostic Interview (DISCO)
Identifying features of ‘pathological demand avoidance’ using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO)
This paper discusses the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO) and existing items within the model which are more specific to PDA when compared to the rest of the autism spectrum. It is aimed at professionals and individuals who would like to find out more about diagnosing autism and PDA using the DISCO.
The study identified eleven DISCO items that were PDA specific. A subset of individuals featuring a high number of DISCO PDA items were identified. Characteristics of individuals within this group were consistent with those previously described by Elizabeth Newson and colleagues. The paper highlights the requirement for a clinician-rated measure of PDA features and further elucidation of the PDA phenotype.
Authors: Elizabeth O’Nions, Judith Gould, Phil Christie, Christopher Gillberg, Essi Viding and Francesca Happé
First published online: 30th July 2015 in The European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal