Parenting good practice – blog posts
Many parents have written about their experiences and strategies that they have used. Here are links to some of the blog posts which are particularly useful:
- Love PDA 'Demand Detox'. Removing all demands for child with Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome
- Steph's Two Girls Strategies for PDA
- PDA Parenting Against All odds: Pathways to Diagnosis
- PDA Thoughts! How PDA presents and affects our daughter, the impact on family and the strategies that we find successful
- Notes on PDA Creating a PDA friendly lifestyle
- The Indulgent Mother via Special Needs Jungle Creating a PDA coping system, after CAMHS’ strategies failed my son
- And some thoughts from a professional: Is Play Therapy the missing link in supporting children with PDA?
There is much more within this resources directory too - take a look at the case studies, books and facebook groups as well as blogs.