A collection of PDA-related podcasts and radio programmes.
ALT:learn Podcast
- PDA Society Trustee Jilly Davis talks to The ALT:learn Podcast about recognising and supporting PDA learners.
SEND in the experts for Twinkl SEND
- PDA Society CEO Helen Evans and Trustee Jilly Davis speak to Georgina Durrant about how educators can support PDA learners to thrive: "We have to acknowledge their learning differences, we have to change the way we teach" (Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA))
The Great Minds Podcast: PDA Society
- PDA Society trustees Paula Webb & Vikki Threlfall chat with Emma and Meg from Great Minds Together about lots of topics including terminology around PDA, helpful approaches, differences between ODD & PDA, EHCPs, working with professionals and more.
ACAMH ‘Autism, a parent's guide’
- Dr. Ann Ozsivadjian discusses PDA in this podcast and how to recognise it in a child with an autism diagnosis. Ann suggests strategies to try at home, talks about research and understanding the core of behaviours, and how to have conversations with teachers, schools and others to support children.
Tilt Parenting
- A Conversation with Autism and Neurodiversity Support Specialist Kristy Forbes
- A Conversation with Dr. Melissa Neff About PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance)
Fight & Fawn
- Two PDAers discuss their lived experience of PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) over the course of five episodes - Kristy Forbes & FAN
Parent podcasts
- Stories About Autism: Steph's Two Girls talks about her family and PDA
- Caroline Brady weekly podcast series - Real life as a carer, mum, crafter and writer - what is it like? Topics include home education, siblings and bereavement.
BBC Radio 4 'All in the Mind'
- The professionals who use this diagnosis consider it to be part of the autism spectrum. But is it a discrete condition? Claudia Hammond hears from Liz O'Nions at the University of Louven about its history and new research into teasing out PDA's traits alongside guest Mathijs Lucassen - lecturer in mental health at the Open University. Listen to 'All in the Mind'