PDA North London
A support group for parents of PDA children.
We meet monthly in person in North London. We also hope to organise a PDA stay and play for PDA children in the very near future. Guest speakers will also be in attendance from time to time.
Email PDAnorthlondon@gmail.com if you would like to attend our next meeting.
Instagram: @pdanorthlondon
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PDA-North-London-102175106142765
Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.
Last updated: March 2023