In person meet-up group

PDA North London

A support group for parents of PDA children. We meet monthly in person in North London. We also hope to organise a PDA stay and play for PDA children in the very near future. Guest speakers will also be in attendance from time to time. Email if you would like to attend our next meeting. Instagram: @pdanorthlondon Facebook page:   Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: March 2023

PDA Families National Community Group (London-based)

A supportive peer to peer discussion forum for parents and carers of PDA children via WhatsApp, with occasional meet-ups. Based in London. Please use the link below to join the WhatsApp group: Join WhatsApp group -     Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: March 2023

Parent Support Group Richmondshire

SEND Parent Support Group Richmondshire. Meets every Tuesday 6pm-7.30pm at Colburn Village Hall and also online Saturday evenings 8pm-9pm via GoogleMeet. The links can be sent to anybody who requests the code. Contact via email at or via the Facebook group.     Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: March 2023

Rotherham Parent Carers Forum

Rotherham Parent Carers Forum are a registered charity run by parents and carers of children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). We offer support, information and friendship to families of children and young people (age 0-25) with SEND (including PDA). We also offer support and information to service providers. We offer a range of services and support including peer support, counselling services, sibling support, strategic work and family activities. We have face to face and online support groups, including a closed Facebook group for parent carers. To find out more please visit our website: RPCF Rotherham Parent Carers Forum; call our office landline on 01709 296262 or email   Last updated: July 2022

PDA Parent Support Group Gloucestershire

This group is for any parents in Gloucestershire with a PDA child/young person or suspected PDA. Private Facebook discussion group and monthly meetings in-person and via Zoom. In-person meetings take place once a month at Up Hatherley Library in Cheltenham. To find out more, please contact or have a look at our Facebook group: PDA Parent Support Group Gloucestershire   Last updated: June 2023

PDA Yorkshire

PDA Yorkshire is a Facebook support group that connects parents and carers in Yorkshire who have an interest in PDA. It aims to raise awareness and shares information and resources. Pre Covid-19 we were trying to meet monthly (often near Leeds Bradford airport) but these are currently less frequently. We encourage parents to share there experiences and strategies that help but acknowledge that all families are different and what might help one might not help another. We try and minimise the isolation and loneliness many families feel when facing the challenges of PDA. Visit/join this group via Facebook: PDA Yorkshire   Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: December 2022

East Midlands/Notts PDA Support Group

This is a confidential Facebook support group for parents/carers/family members of PDA children, parents who believe their children might be PDA, and PDA adults. It is intended as a supportive and safe space where people can freely and openly discuss their concerns, queries, successes and positive stories without fear of judgment or criticism from other members. Also meets face-to-face about 4 times a year. Visit/join this group via Facebook: East Midlands/Notts PDA Support Group (Pathological Demand Avoidance)   Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: December 2022

South Bucks PDA Support Group

The South Bucks PDA Support Group started in July 2015 and now supports families (& professionals) across North & South Bucks, Oxon, Beds, Berks & Herts. The group offers regular in-person coffee mornings in High Wycombe and local villages in South Bucks; evening socials (in-person & on-line); family events; training seminars; plus weekly email updates sharing local & national information. In addition there are bi-monthly groups held in Botley, Oxon & Milton Keynes, plus a ‘Caring for PDA Adults’ group that meet near Maidenhead/Henley. Contact:   Please note: this support group is independent and external to the PDA Society. They are a member of our support group leaders’ network and recognise, understand, and support PDA and the work we do by sharing up-to-date information and resources from the PDA Society​, and as such have permission to use our PDA support group leaders' network logo, but we don’t have any control over (and cannot take responsibility for) the support or services offered.   Last updated: June 2023