Coronavirus support


We've collated and created specific resources to support the PDA community during the Coronavirus pandemic. They are spread across 5 pages:

Links and tips for the PDA community during the Coronavirus pandemic

  • Helpful approaches with PDA during the coronavirus outbreak
  • Accessible information (social stories etc.)
  • Information about mental health
  • UK GOV Guidance
  • Face coverings information
  • School & college
  • Guidance: visiting loved ones in inpatient settings, care homes and supported living
  • Other useful links from various sources
  • PDA Society resources including PDA Alert & Awareness card, PDA-related suggestions for healthcare passports and tips on helpful approaches with PDA during the coronavirus outbreak



Coping with the coronavirus outbreak – tips from adult PDAers

PDA Society adult PDAer panel members have kindly shared their tips for coping with the coronavirus outbreak.



Free resources and other useful links whilst at home during the Coronavirus pandemic

  • Activity ideas
  • Education resources
  • Mental health & wellbeing
  • Fitness & sports
  • Fun challenges
  • ebooks, audio books, virtual tours & online talks
  • Speech, language, communication & SEND reources
  • Sensory & OT activities and resources



PDA Society Coronavirus Q&As

A series of video and written Q&As with our trustees & advisors answering the PDA community’s questions relating to PDA during the coronavirus pandemic.



Returning to school & college

To help PDA students and their families and teachers prepare for the return to school and college in September, we’ve collated some helpful information and resources.




We’ll keep updating the these pages with additional information, ideas and resources – and please do let us know if you have other tips or links to share ...