CRAE research on exclusion
Back to school: Paving the path to re-integration for autistic children previously excluded from education
The Centre for Research on Autism in Education conducted a research project for the NAS into what helped young people who had been excluded to be re-integrated into school. They looked at the work of the ‘Hub’ at the NAS Robert Ogden School in Rotherham.
The work is helpful in relation to PDA because (although it’s not specifically described in the report) 6 of the 9 pupils involved, and three quarters of all the young people at the Hub, have a PDA profile. It should be noted that the school informed us that more information could have been included about the positive outcomes and what students moved on to do, so the report should be read with that gap in mind.
Authors: Janina Brede, Anna Remington, Lorcan Kenny, Katy Warren and Liz Pellicano
Published: University College London for the National Autistic Society, 2016