Found 4 listings
PDA Society 5th anniversary survey report
A report on the main findings of our 5th anniversary survey conducted in Oct/Nov 2020, with statistics and comments from respondents, along with a summary of what the PDA Society is planning during 2021 can be viewed/downloaded here. The main findings are summarised below.
It was very encouraging to know [...]
Hertfordshire families
A survey of 38 families in Hertfordshire showed that many felt desperate and a majority described how local services had not helped them. These results were published with a call to action, with the support of local Autism charities, and taken to the Herts All-Age Autism Partnership Board with [...]
CRAE research on exclusion
Back to school: Paving the path to re-integration for autistic children previously excluded from education
The Centre for Research on Autism in Education conducted a research project for the NAS into what helped young people who had been excluded to be re-integrated into school. They looked at the work of [...]
PDA Society Conference 2015
The first PDA Society conference took place on September 23rd 2015 in Northampton. The day was a great success, with 240 delegates attending.
A booklet which includes some commentary and photos from the event, plus the key points from the pre-conference survey can be downloaded within the article.
Published: 2015
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