
PDA Society 5th anniversary survey report

A report on the main findings of our 5th anniversary survey conducted in Oct/Nov 2020, with statistics and comments from respondents, along with a summary of what the PDA Society is planning during 2021 can be viewed/downloaded here. The main findings are summarised below. It was very encouraging to know that our work has had a positive impact in terms of improving understanding of an otherwise perplexing presentation - and that this has been transformational in terms of outcomes our information & resources are highly regarded - and the PDA Society is viewed as trusted and professional the information & support we offer is unique and not found elsewhere There’s a strong call for the PDA Society to raise awareness of PDA with the general public further understanding & acceptance amongst professionals This survey shows that we’ve had a very positive impact in our first 5 years as a registered charity. We’d like to thank the PDA Society team, the vast majority of whom are volunteers, for all their expertise, experience and commitment, and for spending so much time and energy helping others. Looking ahead to the next 5 years, the PDA Society’s primary aims are: to increase acceptance and understanding of the [...]

Hertfordshire families

A survey of 38 families in Hertfordshire showed that many felt desperate and a majority described how local services had not helped them. These results were published with a call to action, with the support of local Autism charities, and taken to the Herts All-Age Autism Partnership Board with a call for leadership on recognising PDA.   Published: 2017   View report  

CRAE research on exclusion

Back to school: Paving the path to re-integration for autistic children previously excluded from education The Centre for Research on Autism in Education conducted a research project for the NAS into what helped young people who had been excluded to be re-integrated into school. They looked at the work of the ‘Hub’ at the NAS Robert Ogden School in Rotherham. The work is helpful in relation to PDA because (although it’s not specifically described in the report) 6 of the 9 pupils involved, and three quarters of all the young people at the Hub, have a PDA profile. It should be noted that the school informed us that more information could have been included about the positive outcomes and what students moved on to do, so the report should be read with that gap in mind.   Authors: Janina Brede, Anna Remington, Lorcan Kenny, Katy Warren and Liz Pellicano Published: University College London for the National Autistic Society, 2016   View report